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Good Marina Manners

Good Marina Manners Tips From Rallye Motoplex

People head out to the water for a number of reasons — fishing, waterskiing, cruising — you name it! But no matter what you do out there, everybody comes to the same place at the end of the day: the marina. This is tricky, because there are constantly people going in and out, which can be a very frustrating experience. Usually you don’t get frustrated by how many people there are, but by inconsiderate or disrespectful boaters. Bad marina etiquette can ruin your time when launching off, docking, and even when you’re just trying to relax on the marina. You don’t want to be one of the people who ruins everyone else’s experience, so here are some guidelines for polite behavior at the marina. At Rallye Motoplex, we want everyone to enjoy their time on the water as much as possible, so please be courteous to other boaters. Also, if you’re still looking for a way to get out on the water this summer, we sell a large inventory of boats and personal watercraft at our dealership near Saint John and Bathurst, New Brunswick.


Even when arriving at the marina, you should consider the most appropriate way to drive and park. Remember that these areas are crowded, so even though you’re excited to get on the water or leave after a long day of boating, slow down in the area around the dock. Fast drivers can be nerve-racking for other boaters, and it’s also extremely unsafe. Not to mention, if you drive too fast close to the dock, you can actually create wakes in the water near the dock. This is very frustrating for boaters, and you wouldn’t want it to happen to you, so please take it slow when exiting and arriving at the marina.

Don’t Leave Clutter

[Docks are crowded enough as it is, so please don’t leave extra equipment lying around. When you load and unload your gear, make sure you account for everything, and don’t leave stray life jackets or other gear sitting on the dock. Also remember to coil your dock lines, hose, and cords. If you don’t clean everything up, you’re leaving a slip hazard for other people on the docks. They also won’t be very happy with you for making it hard to walk around in an already crowded area.

It’s also frustrating when someone leaves their bow hanging over the walkway. This blocks passages too, but you can avoid this by simply using spring lines. If you don’t want to use those, then you can back in and park your boat or personal watercraft stern-to-dock. Both take some knowledge and practice, but it’ll help everything go more smoothly and make you a better boater.

Don’t Linger

Now that you know how to make it in and out of the water politely, make sure you also follow good etiquette guidelines when fueling up. For some reason, some boaters like to hang around the fuel docks long after their tank is full. Keep in mind that other people are also waiting, and get back on the water right after you fill up.

Follow the Rules

Although there are several basic recommendations, you’ll need to follow the marina’s rules no matter what. No, marinas don’t have rules just for ruining your afternoon. Instead these policies are in place so that everyone can peacefully get along with each other. The important things they're after is safe driving, docking, and boating practices, and they also appreciate when you abide by their quiet hours.

If you follow the guidelines laid out in this list and pay attention to the marina’s rules, you’ll be one of the boaters who makes the marina experience better for everybody. For more tips, recommendations for which marinas to visit, or simply to check out our selection of boats and personal watercraft, come see us at Rallye Motoplex in Moncton, New Brunswick. Our dealership also serves Charlottetown and Fredericton, NB.