De-Winterizing your Motorcycle

De-Winterizing your Motorcycle Articles From Rallye Motoplex

As the frost thaws and the clouds burn off, you’ll probably be itching to hit the road on your motorcycle. When you pull it out of the garage, it’s important to follow a few steps to make sure it’s ready for its first spring drive. This simple guide will help you go down the checklist of things that may have changed over the winter. If you have any further questions about your bike and you live near Charlottetown, Fredericton, Saint John, or Bathurst, New Brunswick, stop by our Rallye Motoplex in Moncton. Our highly-experienced team will help get you back on the road in no time.

Take a Close Look

The first thing you need to do when pulling your bike out of storage is take a long, close look. No, you’re not just savoring the fact that riding season is upon you, your bike has been sitting for several months, which means that you need to make a close visual inspection to spot any issues that may have popped up. Puddles of fluid beneath your bike should be the first sign of trouble, which indicate a leak you’ll have to track down. You should also be on the lookout for corrosion and rust.

Check the Tires

When checking your bike’s tires, watch out for flat spots, bulging, cracks, and general signs of rot and wear. Your bike should have been stored on a center stand to keep pressure off the tires, however if you weren’t able to do this your tires may have developed some issues over the season. Get in close and check the tires, as well as the wheels to guarantee you’ll have a safe ride when you head out.

Change The Oil

You changed the oil before you put your bike away, now it’s time to change it again. Oil, like gas, is prone to separation when left for extended periods. The water that separates out of your oil is about the worst thing for your engine, so swap in some fresh oil and you’ll be good to go.

Reconnect the Battery

Of course you were responsible and left your battery hooked up to a tender while your bike was stored, right? If you did, then hook it up and get ready to go. If you didn’t put your battery on a tender, then you’ll need to get it charged up, or replaced before the next step;.

Ride out the Gas

The stabilized fuel in your gas tank needs to go. There are two ways to go about this: drain the tank manually and pour in fresh gas or get out and ride! Stabilized gas might choke your bike’s performance a bit, so don’t expect the best ride of your life, but it’s not going to hurt anything, and it’s less wasteful to just burn it off. Plus, it’s a chance to get out on the road for a few hours!

Schedule a Service Appointment

If it’s been awhile since your bike has seen a trained mechanic, it’s a good idea to schedule a service appointment to have the pros give your motorcycle a look. In addition to taking care of some routine maintenance, a mechanic will be able to help you spot smaller problems before they become expensive.

Taking care of any problems with your motorcycle is crucial for safe and fun riding. Simple problems can rob your bike of power and fuel efficiency, and worse problems could put you in a hairy situation at highway speeds. Rallye Motoplex in Moncton, New Brunswick serves the area near Charlottetown, Fredericton, Saint John, and Bathurst, New Brunswick. Our team of trained, experienced motorcycle enthusiasts will make sure your bike is in great condition. And if you’re looking for a new bike, we can help you find that, too!